Subhasree Patro

About me

I am an assistant professor (on a tenure-track position) in the Coding Theory and Cryptology group at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).

Until December 2024, I was a postdoc at TU/e in the same group for 80% of my time hosted by Tanja Lange and for the remaining 20% I was a postdoc at QuSoft, CWI hosted by Stacey Jeffery. And before that, 80% of my postdoc was at the Utrecht University hosted by Hans Bodlaender and Marjolein Dijkstra and the rest was at QuSoft, CWI hosted by Stacey Jeffery. I completed my PhD in February 2023 from QuSoft, CWI which is also known as the Algorithms and Complexity group at CWI under the supervision of Harry Buhrman and Florian Speelman.

I am broadly interested in the area of quantum computational complexity theory. More specifically, in quantum fine-grained complexity and quantum query complexity.

I am also a mother of an adorable 7-year old.

Name:Subhasree Patro
Affiliation: Eindhoven University of Technology
Work address:5.068, MetaForum
5612 AZ Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Email:patrofied at gmail dot com
Links:CV, Google Scholar, dblp

Publications and preprints

Talks and Poster Presentations


Teaching, Supervising and other Work Experiences

Awards and Recognitions

Other professional services